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Technical Knowledge

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


               Top 5  Best Android Launchers 

Are you bored to stick to the default Android Launcher on your 
Android Mobile ?? Then try these cool and top android 
launchers on your Android Mobile and Supercharge your 
Mobile from our Launchers Collection.Here in this 
post i listed 5 best Android launchers like Launcher 8,

iOS launcher and many more  !! 

1.Nova Launcher:

This is best  Android Launcher  i personally recommend 

this to any one who want to try the custom android 

launchers. There are so many better launchers when on 

Google app marker,but when compared to stability 
(it will not crash)  no other launcher can beat Nova 
Launcher, This the main reason why i recommend to 
people who are trying custom launchers for first time. 
And this launcher is fast too.
The User interference of Nova Launcher is awesome and 
simple suitable for any type of user.
You can Download Nova launcher easily
Nova launcher is also available in premium version.

Nova Launcher
Nova Launcher

2.Go Launcher:

This is best launcher i recommend to advanced users.
GO launcher has so many features And it has amazing 
user interference. Go Launcher has so many awesome 
themes. I am sure that you will be in confusion to 
choose your theme !. Go Launcher has so many 
customization's options in free version when compared 
to other launchers.And it is packed with some essential 
widgets and plugins. 

Go Launcher
Go Launcher

3.Launcher 8:

If your a fan boy of Windows Phone or if you just 
want to try the user interference of windows phone 
then this Launcher is for you.There are so many windows 
phone 8 launchers on android market but i found this 
app to have more features when compared to other 
windows phone 8 launchers.
This launcher is worth trying Launcher 8 is available 
for Android 2.0 and up.
You can Download launcher 8 easily.
There is also a paid version of the is app
Requirements: Android 2.0 and above

Launcher 8
Launcher 8

4.Apex Launcher:

If you did not like the Nova and Go Launcher then 
this launcher is for you.Apex Launcher is simple and 
powerful launcher with tons of features. You can 
really enjoy your mobile with Apex launcher's themes 
and customization. 
You can Download Apex launcher easily
Requirements:-Android 4.0.3 and above 

Apex Launcher
Apex Launcher

5.Hi Launcher:

If you want to feel the iOS on your Android mobile 

then these launchers are absolutely for you.You can 

enjoy the iOS on your Android Mobile and 

There are so many iOS launchers for Android phone 
but very few are good. Hi Launcher is one of few best 
iOS launchers available for Android Phone..!! 
You can Download iOS launcher  easily.

Hi Launcher
Hi Launcher

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